Return Policy


If you wish to return your order please do so within 10 business days (2 weeks) after receiving the package! Please insure the value, as we are not responsible for those items that are lost in transit. We also recommend to use a reputable post service allowing you to track the package & what is most important please retain your receipt once shipping back. Please be aware that we will only consider for exchanges/returns goods that are clean, unwashed and in a saleable condition. We do not accept those that are in any way damaged or altered from the original condition. All tags must be intact!

If the returning item was delivered to a German address and the order amount was over 40 EUR, Evencki will cover the return fee. Please note that we cannot currently offer this service to our international customers.

How to do this:

    • Please include the copy of the billing & securely repackage the item.
    • Address the package to our tailor: 




c/o Ecocode
Chodowieckistr. 17A
10405 Berlin

             Irina Orchowska
             ul. Źródlana 12 
             65 106 Zielona Góra


  • You will receive an email once your return has been processed. Please allow us 5 business days after we receive your return. We promise to handle it as fast as possible.

Once we receive your return, please allow us 5 business days (1 week) to process it. Your credit card will be refunded once we verify that the items are in their original condition. In case of any exchange of the item that is not available we offer you a refund. Be aware that we cannot take exchanges/returns for goods that are customized.
For goods to be considered for an exchange/refund every one of the above conditions must be met, otherwise it will be shipped back at your expense.