Lemon ricotta pancakes / Evencki & Call Me Cupcake

If you follow our blog you have probably seen a post about the gluten free cheesecake by Call Me Cupcake and our wonderful plum sheets. This time we invite you to enjoy the queen of all breakfasts; pancakes! Gluten free with lemon ricotta and blueberry are the perfect morning treat. I personally love them, though mine are with apple muse.


The recipe for the tasty and always popular pancakes, you can find by clicking here, it will redirect you to Linda’s blog.


>> BUY NOW: Plum bed linen, 100% Egyptian cotton, Italian weave.


L E M O N     R I C O T T A     P A N C A K E S


breakfast in bed, plum bed linen, lemon ricotta blueberry pancakebreakfast in bed, plum bed linen, lemon ricotta blueberry pancakebreakfast in bed, plum bed linen, lemon ricotta blueberry pancake

All images © Linda Lomelino | Via: Call Me Cupcake


FINAL DAY – 20% 0FF!



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Happy Easter – have an ‘egg-septional’ Holiday!

Easter is a special holiday, a time to celebrate! As it falls close to the beginning of spring, which is a beautiful time for fresh starts and new beginnings, we wish you lots of happy & sunny moments.


Hop on over and see us sometime!


happy easter

Our new gift cards have arrived!

Our special Gift Cards have finally reached the online store. Designed exclusively for Evencki, dark blue envelope with its golden letters is to deliver in the best style a gift to our customers.


It is certainly not a last minute gift, with our cards from now on, you can give your friends or family something that they really want. You probably wouldn’t know the sizes of their bed linen sets or even if you do, it is also an issue which colour or fabric they prefer the most. Evencki gift card seems to be a perfect choice plus it is a great convince if you choose our bed linen as a wedding gift. Nicely printed, elegant will certainly be highly appreciated.


They are available in Digital and Physical.


>> BUY NOW: Evencki Gift Card


evencki gift card, bed linen

evencki gift card bed linen

evencki gift card bed linen


Exclusive Promotion! – 20% OFF

 We have a special promotion right now. Head over to our online shop and get 20% off on all items. Use the code: promo-easter-20  >>  S H O P    N O W


>> SIGN UP: If you want to be the first one to know about our promotions, sign up to our newsletter, please click here


Exclusive Promotion Sateen Bed Linen Egyptian cotton

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