Breakfast in Bed goes Stern together with WSIEFBT

breakfast in bed - stern - evencki All images © Marta Greber | Via: What should i eat for breakfast today


We are extremely proud that we could contribute just a little bit. Marta’s wonderful pictures and the most delicious breakfasts reached a cover in this month Stern Gesund Leben magazine. If you like to try the already famous Savoury muffins with salmon cream, we invite you to visit what should i eat for breakfast today.


Alongside with our passion for perfect sleep we have discovered that proving you with the finest bedding in the world is not only about giving you the comfort but also making your bed the most essential place in your home. These wonderful moments when you wake up and bite something sweet or savoury and still feel like spending a bit of time lying down and listening to some music or simply read morning news are extremely precious to us. Thus we will always strive for the best and invite some guest to share the most amazing ideas with us.


BUY NOW >> Taupe, 100% Egyptian cotton, sateen.

The Hundert

Huge thanks to The Hundert for featuring me among so many very talented entrepreneurs.

/ Founder of Evencki


The Hundert - the leading magazine on Berlin’s startup scene.


the hundert

Evencki featured in Label Magazine March 2014 Edition

Label Magazine 2014 issue – a great piece of editorial on the magazine’s Label Dossier highlighting bedroom & wardrobe and our newest collection: 100% Egyptian cotton bed linen making every day and night a little bit better!

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