The basics of sleep

We cannot stop finding those great infographics! This time is all about the basics of sleep. We even dare to say it is one of our favourite.

the basics of sleep

The science of sleeping

Are you wondering what is going on in your mind while you are sleeping? When you sleep your body takes a break, it rests and restore itself for the next day. Though we are not doing much, sleep is an active state affecting our well-being. Below there is an excellent chart showing us all details while we are plug off from our daily lives.

the science of sleeping

How did you sleep last night

Many people consider sleep a waste of time and see nothing wrong in sleeping than 6 hours a night. While sleeping less is not generally wrong, sleep deprivation can however lead to health problems.

how did you sleep last night

You need more sleep

As sleep is integral to our day to day function, we should doing it longer.


you need more sleep

Sleep or die

We certainly repeat ourself on this one, it so important to get enough quality sleep The over dramatically named “Sleep or Die” infographic shows quite well the dangers of not getting enough sleep.

sleep or die

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