Lemon ricotta pancakes / Evencki & Call Me Cupcake

If you follow our blog you have probably seen a post about the gluten free cheesecake by Call Me Cupcake and our wonderful plum sheets. This time we invite you to enjoy the queen of all breakfasts; pancakes! Gluten free with lemon ricotta and blueberry are the perfect morning treat. I personally love them, though mine are with apple muse.


The recipe for the tasty and always popular pancakes, you can find by clicking here, it will redirect you to Linda’s blog.


>> BUY NOW: Plum bed linen, 100% Egyptian cotton, Italian weave.


L E M O N     R I C O T T A     P A N C A K E S


breakfast in bed, plum bed linen, lemon ricotta blueberry pancakebreakfast in bed, plum bed linen, lemon ricotta blueberry pancakebreakfast in bed, plum bed linen, lemon ricotta blueberry pancake

All images © Linda Lomelino | Via: Call Me Cupcake


Vegan blueberry lemon cheesecake / Evencki & Call Me Cupcake

To show the beauty of our plum bed linen, we have teamed up with amazing Linda Lomelino from Call Me Cupcake.


From small but beautiful city of Halmstad, Sweden Linda normally surprises her readers with delicious cake recipes and stunning photography. We cannot be happier to be a guest on her blog, where her fresh take on Scandinavian style is beyond interesting. Her photography is dark, emotional and often with some green elements and fresh flowers! The contrast that strikes through each of the shots very much resembles the Nordic countries. It is something we could experience once staying in Copenhagen, where the weather can be still bright but somehow dark and melancholic.


For our small collaboration, Linda was experimenting with raw and vegan cheesecake, which we haven’t tried so far but will in the near future. All our friends love cheesecake and it would be a great pleasure to bake this wonderful blueberry sweet.


The recipe for the cheesecake, you can by clicking here, it will redirect you to Linda’s blog, where you can enjoy this and many other great treats.


>> BUY NOW: Plum bed linen, 100% Egyptian cotton, Italian weave.


V E G A N    N O    B A K E     B L U E B E R R Y    L E M O N    C H E E S E C A K E


vegan gluten free cheesecake and plum bedlinen Egyptian cotton

vegan gluten free cheesecake and plum bedlinen Egyptian cotton

vegan gluten free cheesecake and plum bedlinen Egyptian cotton

All images © Linda Lomelino | Via: Call Me Cupcake

Savory bacon & cheese stuffed French toast – Breakfast in Bed / Evencki & Two Red Bowls

It has been a while since we posted our last breakfast in bed recipe. We are excited to bring you a fun new recipe for your next breakfast in bed experience. What’s more exciting is where this recipe comes from!


We are happy to present our collaboration with Cynthia and her wonderful blog Two Red Bowls. From the heart of Brooklyn, this young lawyer, is thrilled to share her passion for cooking with our Evencki friends. Lost in a ton of emails during the work week, Cynthia finds her stress relief in lazy Sundays at home while whipping up tasty morning pick-me-ups to share with loved ones. Together with Evencki, she has prepared for us her take on breakfast that will inspire you to spend more mornings in bed, enjoying that precious time in the best possible way.

We hope you enjoy French toasts and other breakfast in bed recipes from Evencki and Cynthia for all those lazy Sundays. For those special moments and many more inspiring recipes please visit Cynthia’s blog, Two Red Bowls.


S A V O R Y    B A C O N    &    C H E E S E    S T U F F E D    F R E N C H    T O A S T


Breakfast in bed / white percale bed linen / Savory bacon & cheese stuffed French toast Breakfast in bed / white percale bed linen / Savory bacon & cheese stuffed French toast Breakfast in bed / white percale bed linen / Savory bacon & cheese stuffed French toast Breakfast in bed / white percale bed linen / Savory bacon & cheese stuffed French toast

All images © Cynthia | Via: Two Red Bowls


We love hearing your suggestions, if you follow our breakfast in bed session and have some ideas please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Who knows, maybe your favourite breakfast recipe will become our next breakfast in bed hit.

Breakfast in Bed goes Stern together with WSIEFBT

breakfast in bed - stern - evencki All images © Marta Greber | Via: What should i eat for breakfast today


We are extremely proud that we could contribute just a little bit. Marta’s wonderful pictures and the most delicious breakfasts reached a cover in this month Stern Gesund Leben magazine. If you like to try the already famous Savoury muffins with salmon cream, we invite you to visit what should i eat for breakfast today.


Alongside with our passion for perfect sleep we have discovered that proving you with the finest bedding in the world is not only about giving you the comfort but also making your bed the most essential place in your home. These wonderful moments when you wake up and bite something sweet or savoury and still feel like spending a bit of time lying down and listening to some music or simply read morning news are extremely precious to us. Thus we will always strive for the best and invite some guest to share the most amazing ideas with us.


BUY NOW >> Taupe, 100% Egyptian cotton, sateen.

Breakfast in bed / evencki & little upside down cake

From artistic and vibrant Berlin we have moved to sunny and beautiful Lisbon. In winter, compare to Berlin, Lisbon will hardly treat you with chilling cold.

To give you a small taste of what it is like to wake up in this chic European capital we ask Sanda from “Little upside down cake” to prepare breakfast in bed. 


Please visit Sanda’s blog to read and try the amazing recipe for an apple pie: “little upside-down cake


breakfast in bed apple pie breakfast in bed apple pie


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